Amanda J. Zennie, Clerk of Court
Amanda J. Zennie serves as the Clerk of the Miamisburg Municipal Court. She received her appointment as Clerk of Court in May of 2016. Mrs. Zennie is a lifelong resident of West Carrollton. She has served in the legal system for over fifteen years, both in the private sector as a legal assistant for a private law firm in Dayton, Ohio and in the court system as Chief Deputy Civil Clerk and Judicial Assistant to the Magistrate. Amanda graduated in 2020 from the Court Management Program through the Supreme Court of Ohio Judicial College and is a Certified Court Manager. She is a member of the Ohio Association of Municipal/County Court Clerks.
Mrs. Zennie and her staff are responsible for maintaining court records, collecting all fines and fees, administering penalties assessed by the court, and distributing funds to the appropriate state and local agencies according to the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code. Amanda and her staff provide court-related services to citizens, arresting agencies, prosecutors, and attorneys. The clerk's office processes approximately 15,000 new cases each year, and the court staff is specifically trained to provide quick and efficient service to all court users.